I love being connected to other moms and feeling like we are all more alike than we are different despite what we do, what we look like, how many kids we have, or where we live.
Motherhood is a beautiful club you join the day that new baby gets placed in your arms. You join it with many others that have gone before. You are now a mom! A name that is now yours. A name that will make you turn in a crowd of kids when you hear your little one call it.
It is a life’s mission.
This mission comes to all women who mother. Mothering doesn’t just come with your own children. I’ve heard it said to ‘mother’ means to give life. It comes from all who take this on including school teachers, adoptive mothers, aunts, sisters, friends, neighbors, or mentors. You’re not alone in this mission, and it is the largest women’s club in all the world. You are a member. You belong. You heal, create, grow, love, mend, share, laugh, cry, and INSPIRE!! You are a mom!
I’ve always been inspired by moms and women that in their own way are truly making a difference in the world. I believe the world is a better place when we look for the good and share it with others. There is so much stress, hate, pain, and fear in the world. But there is so much beauty, light, triumph from pain, and good. I want to share that. I want to find that. I see it in moms and all that they do and the inspiring women that truly are making a positive light and footprint in this world.
I want to share the stories of these inspiring women here.
These stories remind ourselves of the good and power we have as moms and women in this world. We really are more alike than different. Reading positive things and putting positive messages and stories in our heart and mind is so good for the soul and inner spirit.
What we think about we become. It is a fact. The more we fill our hearts with positive, the more our heart grows and we become a brighter light. Together we can shine our light so bright in this world that needs it now. We are moms! We inspire. Here are amazing moms who are sure to impact and brighten your day!!